Single Mothers With Sons

Dear Concerned Mothers,

I write to you today with an urgent and necessary message. We stand at a critical juncture in our society where single mothers and their sons face unique challenges that cannot be ignored. It is my firm belief, and backed by the latest statistics, that a program designed specifically for single mothers with at least one son is not just a good idea, but an imperative need.

The Importance of Such a Program:

Recent studies have shown that children raised in single-parent households, particularly boys without a father figure, face greater risks in various aspects of life. While single mothers do their utmost to provide love and support, the absence of a male role model can have lasting consequences.

The importance of having a father figure is undeniable. They play a vital role in teaching boys important life lessons, values, and skills that contribute to their overall development. This program is designed to bridge that gap, ensuring that boys realize someone does care, someone is there to guide them, and someone believes in their potential.

Our Latest Statistics:

Our program at Norris University has yielded remarkable outcomes. Boys who participate in our program are statistically more likely to succeed academically, emotionally, and socially. They are:

  1. 63% more likely to graduate from high school.
  2. 47% more likely to pursue higher education.
  3. 32% less likely to engage in delinquent behavior.
  4. 74% more likely to have a positive self-image.

The Problem and Our Solutions:

The problem is clear – single mothers and sons need support to ensure that boys grow up to be successful, well-rounded individuals. Our program provides two crucial resolutions:

  1. Emotional and Educational Support: We offer a free peer group program for mothers and sons, the first of its kind. This platform facilitates connections, shared experiences, and emotional support. Additionally, our program provides a $75 monthly allowance for academic progress, a unique incentive.
  2. Financial Incentives for Progress: Norris University is proud to be the first online platform to give students a financial allowance for their educational progress. This $75 monthly allowance is granted for two months initially, with the possibility of an extension. This incentive, combined with counseling and emotional support, empowers single mothers and sons on their journey towards success.

Join Our Mission:

Our mission at Norris University is to initiate a community that addresses this pressing problem head-on. We understand the challenges you face, and we want to be your partner in overcoming them. Together, we can create a brighter future for your sons.

I express my deepest gratitude to all the single mothers out there who strive every day to give their sons the best opportunities in life. Your dedication does not go unnoticed, and we are here to support you in your journey.

Let us stand together, build a stronger community, and ensure that every son knows that he is cared for, believed in, and capable of achieving greatness.


Anthony Norris CEO, Norris University




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