ADHD Kids Let Us Give You An Allowance For Increasing Study Habits

Dear Friends and Supporters of Norris University, If you have a student or child with ADHD in ElementaryMiddle, or High School let us give your child an allowance for increasing their study habits.

I am Anthony Norris, the CEO of Norris University, and I want to share a personal story with you that underscores the urgency and importance of our donation categories. I am not just the CEO; I am someone who has overcome significant challenges to achieve success. I have ADHD.

Despite facing the unique challenges that come with ADHD, I pursued a college education and completed Graduate School. In college, I even pursued a double major, a feat that can be particularly demanding for anyone, let alone someone with ADHD. I’ve maintained not one, but two successful careers for the past 18 years. I am the Co-Founder of Tony’s Tax Professionals, a business that has operated for nearly two decades without a single complaint from the Internal Revenue Service or the Better Business Bureau. Simultaneously, I have been a successful educator, teaching both English and Math.

My undergraduate education includes a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) with a focus on Economics. I have received scholarships and awards in Economics, proving that individuals with ADHD can excel academically and professionally.

However, my journey was not without its struggles. I went undiagnosed throughout my high school career, a time when I faced academic challenges, along with behavioral issues. I had to study longer and more intensely to retain information, sometimes dedicating hours per day to my studies. This period was marked by both personal determination and a lack of understanding of my ADHD symptoms.

What I discovered through personal experience and 21 years of teaching is that individuals with ADHD can benefit from a different approach. For me, and for many of my students, allowing the freedom to choose and work on two subjects simultaneously has been a game-changer. It allows our minds to jump from one subject to another, preventing restlessness and impulsivity. Instead of bouncing restlessly, our minds can engage and focus more effectively.

My personal success story is a testament to what individuals with ADHD can achieve when given the right support and understanding. It’s why this cause has a special place in my heart. I know firsthand the struggles and potential of those with ADHD, and I am committed to ensuring that Norris University continues to provide tailored support to these students.  Norris University has decided to provide a monthly stipend to support students with ADHD in enhancing their study habits. This program will initially run for a duration of two months, with the potential for extensions as needed.”   After the initial period and any extensions, evaluate the program’s impact on students’ study habits and academic performance. Use this data to inform future decisions regarding the program.

Your generous donations will directly fund classes for these individuals, offering them a path to success and empowerment.

Furthermore, at Norris University, we provide free group counseling for all students and go the extra mile. We are especially proud of our program that extends group counseling to parents, addressing the unique issues they face. This program is adaptable to the specific needs of our community.

The urgency here cannot be overstated. We are in an emergency situation, and your contributions can provide a lifeline to individuals with ADHD and other vulnerable groups. We must act now to ensure that these individuals have access to the education and support they need.

As you consider your donation options, please remember that your contribution can make a tremendous impact on single parents, abused moms, teen parents, rehabilitated adults, and especially children with ADHD. By supporting us, you are not only investing in their future but also in a cause that is deeply personal to me.

During my 21 years of being an educator, I’ve noticed students and myself fidget because our minds are constantly moving. When given at least 2 subjects to study while urge to fidget instantly disappeared. This brought on profound engagement and almost photogenic memory instantly.

I’ve observed something fascinating, both in my students and myself. We often fidget, not out of restlessness, but because our minds are constantly in motion. It’s as if our thoughts are racing, seeking something to engage with.

However, I stumbled upon a remarkable revelation during my journey. When I provided my students (and even myself) with the opportunity to study at least two subjects simultaneously, that urge to fidget instantly disappeared. It was like magic. Suddenly, we found profound engagement and almost photographic memory at our fingertips.

It was as though our minds had been waiting for this unique approach, an approach that allowed my mind to jump from one subject to another, embracing the diversity of knowledge without restraint, this technique connected all the subjects together to make a whole.  I suddenly realized that it was not my body that was restless, it was my mind.  The result was a newfound focus, a deeper understanding, and a sense of empowerment that had previously eluded us.  This learning mechanism is the tool that sets us apart from the rest of the world.  Suddenly I’m EMPOWERED! Who can study 2 or more subjects at the same time?  Me! We are the multitaskers!  We are the leaders!!

This experience reinforced my belief that, with the right strategies and support, individuals with ADHD can harness their incredible potential and excel in their pursuits. It’s these moments of revelation that have fueled my dedication to ensuring that Norris University continues to provide tailored support to these students.

Your contributions will enable us to extend this transformative approach to even more individuals, giving them the tools they need to succeed in their education and beyond. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey.

It’s essential to recognize and celebrate the unique strengths and abilities that individuals with ADHD possess. From my personal experiences and observations, I’ve come to understand that people with ADHD have a distinct gift—an incredible capacity to learn and engage in multiple subjects simultaneously.

This isn’t about being “behavioral” students, as you rightly point out; it’s about having two brains at work simultaneously. When we harness this transformation and tap into our innate ability to juggle multiple subjects, we become unstoppable forces of learning and creativity. It’s like having a superpower that sets us apart from the rest.

Acknowledging the intelligence and potential within individuals with ADHD isn’t just a confidence booster; it’s a game-changer. When we’re told that we are smart and capable of incredible things, it boosts our self-esteem and fuels our determination to succeed.

At Norris University, we are dedicated to nurturing and celebrating these unique abilities, ensuring that individuals with ADHD not only feel empowered immediately but also go on to achieve greatness in their academic and professional endeavors. Your support plays a pivotal role in making this vision a reality.

Thank you for recognizing the exceptional gifts within individuals with ADHD and for joining us in our mission to unlock their full potential.


Anthony Norris CEO, of Norris University

Here’s a list of 50 world-known figures and famous people who have ADHD. This list includes individuals from various fields, including politics, entertainment, science, and more:

  1. Albert Einstein – Renowned physicist
  2. Leonardo da Vinci – Master artist and inventor
  3. Walt Disney – Visionary animator and entrepreneur
  4. Sir Richard Branson – Founder of Virgin Group
  5. Michael Phelps – Olympic gold medalist swimmer
  6. Justin Timberlake – Renowned singer and actor
  7. Simone Biles – Gymnastics superstar
  8. Will Smith – Acclaimed actor and producer
  9. Oprah Winfrey – Media mogul and philanthropist
  10. Jim Carrey – Beloved comedian and actor
  11. Michael Jordan – Basketball legend
  12. Ty Pennington – TV host and carpenter
  13. Emma Watson – Actress and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador
  14. Stephen Hawking – Theoretical physicist
  15. Seth Rogan – Actor and comedian
  16. Adam Levine – Lead singer of Maroon 5
  17. Channing Tatum – Actor and producer
  18. Anderson Cooper – CNN anchor and journalist
  19. Zooey Deschanel – Actress and singer
  20. Shane Victorino – Former MLB player
  21. Arianna Huffington – Co-founder of The Huffington Post
  22. Solange Knowles – Singer and songwriter
  23. Pete Rose – Former MLB player and manager
  24. Bill Gates – Co-founder of Microsoft
  25. Sir Winston Churchill – Former British Prime Minister
  26. John F. Kennedy – Former U.S. President
  27. Abraham Lincoln – Former U.S. President
  28. Thomas Edison – Inventor and businessman
  29. Benjamin Franklin – Founding Father of the United States
  30. Nelson Rockefeller – Former U.S. Vice President
  31. Henry Winkler – Actor and author
  32. David Neeleman – Founder of JetBlue Airways
  33. Paris Hilton – Media personality and businesswoman
  34. Adam Levine – Lead singer of Maroon 5
  35. Ryan Gosling – Actor and musician
  36. Lindsay Lohan – Actress and singer
  37. Jamie Oliver – Celebrity chef and restaurateur
  38. Cher – Iconic singer and actress
  39. Naomi Watts – Actress and producer
  40. Jason Bateman – Actor and director
  41. Zac Efron – Actor and singer
  42. Richard Feynman – Physicist and Nobel laureate
  43. Sylvester Stallone – Actor and filmmaker
  44. Tom Cruise – Actor and producer
  45. Salma Hayek – Actress and producer
  46. Jamie Oliver – Celebrity chef and restaurateur
  47. Howie Mandel – Comedian and TV host
  48. Lisa Ling – Journalist and TV host
  49. Chris Pratt – Actor and producer
  50. Ed Sheeran – Singer-songwriter


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