Welcome to Norris University's High School Grades 9th - 12th

Where Excellence Meets Innovation!

At Norris University’s High School, we are committed to providing a premier educational experience for students in grades 9 to 12. As a cutting-edge online platform, we combine the latest advancements in technology with a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum to prepare students for a successful future in academia and beyond.

Academic Excellence and Advanced Curriculum: Our High School offers a challenging and well-rounded academic program designed to meet the highest standards of education. Offering a diverse array of courses, we empower students to push their intellectual boundaries, encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving, and a deep understanding of subjects.

Personalized Learning Pathways: Recognizing that every student has unique aspirations and strengths, we tailor learning pathways to accommodate individual goals. Through access to our self-pace courses, students can explore their passions and pursue coursework that aligns with their future aspirations, whether it be college, vocational training, or other post-secondary pursuits.

Flexible and Self-Paced Learning: At Norris University, flexibility is at the core of our online high school program. Students have the freedom to set their learning schedule, enabling them to balance academic responsibilities with extracurricular pursuits and personal commitments. Our self-paced learning approach allows students to progress through coursework at a speed that suits their individual learning style and preferences.

Vibrant Online Learning Environment: Our courses provide a vibrant and interactive learning experience. Students benefit from multimedia-rich educational resources. Our advanced virtual learning tools create an immersive academic setting that mirrors the quality of traditional in-person education.

College and Career Readiness: Our high school program is designed to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and self-confidence to succeed in college, career, and life. We offer G.E.D and A.C.T prep as well. Norris University prepares students to embark on their chosen paths with confidence and readiness.

Holistic Development and Leadership Opportunities: We believe in fostering well-rounded individuals. Our Virtual High School is a self-pacing school so students can have time to engage in sports, arts, community service, and other enriching activities around the community, enhancing their personal growth and developing essential leadership qualities.

Join Norris University’s Virtual High School, where we embrace innovation, academic excellence, and personalized learning to empower every student to achieve their dreams and shape a brighter future. Experience a transformative educational journey that prepares you for success in a rapidly changing world. Together, let’s embark on a path of learning, growth, and limitless possibilities at Norris University.